Strength & Honour Starter Armies

Each starter set is a balanced army built around that nations core force with additional units added.
All starter armies also come with Command & Camp Followers kit which can be used to make the army's general, command elements, and add some figures to their marching camp. Bases included.
*These skirmish units are built from the skirmish screens included with the other units.
Roman Consular Army with Latin Allies, Early Republic to late Republic:
Polybian Legion "A" x2
Polybian Legion "B" x2
Cavalry line "B" x1
Velites screens x4
Triarii attachments x4
Roman Consular Army with Italian Allies, Early Republic to late Republic:
Polybian Legion "A" x2
Polybian Legion "C" x2
Cavalry line "B" x1
Velites screens x4
Triarii attachments x4
Roman Field Army, Late Republic to Early Empire:
Marian Legion "A" x2
Marian Legion "B" x2
Cavalry line "B" x1
Skirmishes x1*
Social Wars Italian Confederation Army:
Legion "A" x2
Legion "B" x2
Cavalry line "A" x1
Skirmishes x1*
Slave Revolts Army:
Warband "A" x1
Warband "B" x1
Warband "C" x1
Phalanx "A" x1
Cavalry line "B" x1
Skirmishes x1*
Gallic/Belgic/Germanic/Illyrian/Dacian Army:
Cavalry "A" x1
Warband "A" x2
Warband "B" x1
Warband "C" x1
Skirmishes x1*
Ancient Britons Army:
Celtic chariots x1
Warband "A" x2
Warband "C" x2
Skirmishes x1*
Ancient Spanish Army:
Cavalry "B" x1
Phalanx "B" x2
Archers, slinger and skirmishes "A" x2
Skirmishes x1*
Jewish Revolt Army:
Warband "A" x1
Warband "B" x1
Warband "C" x1
Archers, slinger and skirmishes "A" x1
Cavalry line "B" x1
Skirmishes x1*
Sertorian Spanish Army:
Cavalry "A" x1
Legions "B" x2
Phalanx "B" x1
Archers, slingers and skirmishes "B" x1
Skirmishes x1*
Mithridatic Army:
Cavalry Rhombus x1
Phalangites "B" x2
Phalanx "B" x1
Archers, slingers and skirmishes "B" x1
Skirmishes x 1*
Eastern Roman Client kingdoms Army:
Cavalry Rhombus x1
Phalanx "B" x2
Phalangites "A" x1
Archers, slingers and skirmishes "B" x1
Skirmishes x1*
For the full details on what is included in each unit's kit please refer to the other Strength & honour listings.
To expand these armies with additional units like war elephants, siege weapons and chariots please see my other 2mm unit listings.
Laser engraved and cut from formaldehyde free, sustainable beech or cedar ply.
Price is in AUD.
Made to order, please allow a few days for manufacturing your order.